Recently we have been asked questions such as, "Can you kill the coronavirus in your home." There is a lot of buzz and fear around the recent viral outbreak. The Coronavirus is now considered a pandemic and the Unites States is under a national emergency. As a result, government agencies are making strong recommendations on how to protect your health and the health of others. However, there is greater concern by homeowners of how to eliminate viruses in their home as well as improve the air quality.
The heating and air industry has been purifying the air of residential and commercial spaces for years. Hospitals eliminate the growth of microbials, molds, and viruses using a variety of high-tech equipment. Consequently, keeping the air clean greatly reduces the spread of viruses like influenza, H1N1, MRSA, Tuberculosis and SARS-CoV. These air purifying products are available to homeowners as well. Let's take a look at the products that have been tested in successfully killing bacteria, superbugs and viruses
What Recommendations Have Been Made Recently:
First, we'll review a few recommendations that the Center for Disease Control has made to disinfect your home's surfaces. Adding in appropriate air purifying products can dramatically improve the quality of your air:
- Mix 1 cup of bleach to 5 gallons of water to wash floors
- Mix 1 cup of vinegar to 5 gallons of water to wash hardwood floors
- Disinfect with wipes and sprays to clean all surfaces regularly
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Operate dishwashing cycles on "sanitize mode" to kill 99.9% of bacteria : as reported by the National Sanitation Foundation International
- Wash your clothing on the hot cycle and dry clothing at the highest temperature for a minimum of 45 minutes
- The Environmental Protection Agency recommends utilizing indoor air quality products in conjunction with other preventative measure for the highest effectiveness.
Various Air Purification Products as Recommended by the EPA
The EPA does recommend the use of indoor air quality products. However, they do not recommended that these products substitute sanitation practices, such as the ones mentioned above. In other words, combining surface sanitation along with air purification can improve the spreading of viruses and bacteria in your home.. as documented by a variety of medical journals and the EPA. Let's review a few products that Guardian offers our customers:
UV PhotoMax 
The UV PhotoMax is germicidal UVC light used to disinfect the air from millions of bacteria and viruses. It simply inactivates microscopic organisms, rendering them harmless. It leaves no by-products and uses no chemicals. UV is a component of sunlight—natures way of controlling airborne microorganisms. In addition, the UV PhotoMax also treats odors in your air, eliminating and neutralizing smells using an advanced oxidation photocatalytic reactor. Working on the molecular level, this effective UVC light will enhance your already efficient sanitation practices. Learn are the fine details here.
iWave is an air purifying device that installs in any duct air conditioning system. Your home's air passes over the iWave. Ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, viruses, allergens, particles, smoke and odors in the air. Consequently, adding an iWave will create a healthier environment, without producing any harmful byproducts. In short, iWave uses technology that creates equal amounts of positive and negative ions. These ions come in contact with viruses, bacteria or mold in your home. Specifically, the ions remove the hydrogen molecules causing the pathogens to have no source of energy. The ions also attach to allergens like pollen and other particles, causing them to band together until they are large enough to be caught by your ventilation system's air filter.
Nu Calgon has performed extensive research and studies to assure the effectiveness of their products agains various bacteria and viruses. Most importantly against the Coronavirus. See their research results here:
ProgressiveMedia Whole Home Air Cleaners
Ultravation® ProgessiveMedia™ air cleaners are designed be the most efficient, effective, and easy to use filters for your home. These filters easily capture 99% of particles 5 microns or larger (such as pollen). They capture roughly 90% of particles that are 3 microns or larger. Viruses and bacteria are said to be trapped more effectively with its pleated, layered design. These home cleaners offer nine times more surface area than a traditional flat air filter. The ProgressiveMedia air cleaner is similar to the N95 mask that we are hearing about in the wave of recent Coronavirus information. Nonetheless, this whole home air cleaner is not as effective as the UVPhotoMax or iWaveR. However, used in conjunction, can make a dramatic difference both eliminating and capturing air particulates.
How to Get Your Air Purification Products
Guardian offers a wide variety of products that can better your air quality. We highly recommend performing a tune up on your system, cleaning the various components. At this time we can review your air quality and can add the purification system that is best for your system and home. It's fast and easy! You will see dramatic results. For example, a reduction in itchy and watery eyes, stuffy noses, and scratchy throats that are common effects of allergens in the air. Most importantly, your family will have reduced illness associated with germs and viruses circulation throughout the air in your home. Contact Guardian's experts today to have your indoor air quality improved. Schedule today.